Sunday, June 19, 2011

Edible garden

A few weeks ago I showed you the work we did in the front of the house and promised to show you what we did out back. Without further ado, here is it!

Here is my stockpile of supplies to get me started:

And yes, Diet Mt. Dew is required when gardening (at 7am!!)

Here are the gorgeous plants that we purchased the evening before at the local greenhouse:

We picked out a variety of peppers, onions, and cucumbers. You can also see the sweet flowers we have out front.

Next up we have the incredible plant stand that found just for this occasion (we got a great deal on it: free!!):

And here is that same stand all dressed up:

A close up on the top:

And now for a closer look at the bottom layers:

Here are some pots lined up along the side of the house. They house my Grammy's special strawberries, 2 kinds of lettuce, and even more peppers:

We also have a few other pots scattered around the deck with the rest of our goodies.

I guess Mr. Moore deserves some credit for his work that day. He spruced up our patio, weeded, re-mulched and made a much needed trip to Home Depot.

I can't wait to be able to feast on all of our hard work!