Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I realize we are the better part of the way through January, but I thought that I would share what I am working toward this year.

Some people may call these resolutions, but I prefer to think of them as mindsets and goals:

1. Be happier, enjoy life more, stress less.

A few weeks in and I am doing pretty well. Sure, I have my bad moments/days. But all in all I am feeling much more upbeat.

2. Finish grad school.

My new semester just started this week and I am registered for my summer classes (two if them). So after these three classes, I only have one left to register for (hopefully it will be offered this fall!) and then I will be Mrs. Moore, MS!!!!!

3. Mix it up.

This is in terms of almost anything…try new things, challenge myself, wear the clothes that are lost in the back of my closet, etc.

I realize this is not very specific, but this is where I hope 2011 is going. And maybe by putting it out there, I will hold myself more accountable.